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Vision, Mission, Philosophy

Vision Statement

Mary W. Jackson STEAM Multilingual Magnet Elementary will support the whole child by empowering students to reach their full potential and strive for academic excellence and exemplary citizenship. We will provide an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning, inspiring our students to work as a team in developing creative solutions to real-world problems. We will equip our students with the skills to make positive choices, motivating them through engaging, research-based instruction that builds resilience and is relevant to their experiences.

We will welcome parents and members of the community to participate collaboratively with the school staff as we foster a nurturing atmosphere among our diverse population. We will be united in purpose and develop innovative strategies with the potential to make our community a better place.

Visión de la escuela

La escuela Mary W. Jackson STEAM Multilingual Magnet Elementary apoyará al niño dándole la oportunidad de alcanzar su potencial máximo y luchar por la excelencia académica y la ciudadanía ejemplar.  Proporcionaremos un enfoque interdisciplinario a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, inspirando a nuestros estudiantes a trabajar en equipo para desarrollar soluciones creativas a los problemas del mundo real. Vamos a equipar a nuestros estudiantes con las habilidades para tomar decisiones positivas, animándolos a través de la participación, y usando estrategias instruccionales basadas en las investigaciones que construyen la resistencia y son relevantes para sus experiencias.

Nos comprometeremos a motivar a los padres y a los miembros de la comunidad a participar colaborativamente con el personal de la escuela mientras fomentamos un ambiente enriquecedor entre nuestra diversa población. Estaremos unidos en propósito y en el desarrollo de estrategias innovadoras con el potencial de hacer de nuestra comunidad un lugar mejor.


Our Mission

Mary W. Jackson STEAM Multilingual Magnet Elementary seeks to provide a challenging academic environment where our students develop a love of learning through exploration, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and discovery. We encourage our students to be innovative thinkers while preparing for an increasingly global future and fostering a community of mutual respect and social responsibility. Jackson’s students will develop the knowledge, communication skills, and confidence to become transformational leaders of the 21st century.

Shared School Philosophy

The community of Mary W. Jackson STEAM Multilingual Magnet Elementary has a shared stake in the educational philosophy of the school. We believe that:

  • All children can discover and develop their passion for learning.
  • Knowledge and academic success instill self-motivation in our students.
  • A rigorous, meaning-centered, thinking curriculum based on significant content and 21st century skills is the centerpiece of instruction.
    • An academic program that seamlessly integrates the STEAM disciplines will prepare students for a highly technological future.
    • Early second language acquisition leads to biliterate and bi-cognitive students with a multi-cultural understanding that helps them develop a global perspective.
  • The involvement of parents and community members is integral to the success of our students.