Welcome to the Jackson Library! Our librarian is Ms. Cybele Garcia Kohel!
Cybele Garcia Kohel | M-F | x28064 |
M-Th 9:00am -2:40pm
Fridays 9-1:30pm
Parents are invited to drop by the library and see what is happening! You are also able to check out books from our library, and we now have an e-books section.
Library Permission Slip/ Permiso para la Biblioteca
Science and Stories Laboratory
Our librarian leads an exciting and enriching new program that links literacy and life science based on Perfect Pairs, a resource by Melissa Steward and Nancy Chesley. These classes demonstrate how science can be a vehicle for providing rich language and critical thinking opportunities for students.
Digital Literacy Resources for Parents
Your child is having a birthday and the Jackson library has a fantastic gift idea!
The Birthday Book Club brings reading enjoyment to your child andthe satisfaction of contributing to our school community.
How it works:
During the week of your child’s birthday, he/she will visit the library to purchase a new book from the Birthday Book Club’s selection of diverse and high quality options. Your child will take the book home to enjoy, and when he/she is done, the book will be returned to the library where it will become a part of the school’s collection. A beautifully illustrated bookplate label will be adhered to the inside cover acknowledging your child’s donation. As a Birthday Book Club member, your child will be presented with an official club pin and thanked for their contribution when their class visits the library.
If you would like to participate, please return the enclosed form (en español) along with a donation of $10, $15, or $20 to the library or office. Your child will be invited to come to the library to select a birthday book(s) in their price range.
Thanks for your support!
Volunteers needed!
Library volunteers are highly valued! The librarian would love to have some volunteers help in the library, and there are many different ways to help, some of which include:
- decorating
- re-shelving books
- helping out with the Birthday Book Club
- assisting with preparation of new books for checkout
- assisting students with book selections during class visits
e-Books are here!
We now have our first batch of ebooks available for use! They are available for multiple users on any device. To access the ebooks go to:
Click on Jackson
Click on Catalog
To view a list of e books only, select electronic books under the Material Type menu.
Then click on title and all the e book titles will appear in a list.
To open and view the e book just click Open.
If you click on Details you will find information about the book, including awards, and interest and reading levels.
You can also search the catalog for both print and e books.
To do this go back to Material Type and select Any Type. Then search by Title, Subject or Key Word, or Author.
¡Nuestros primeros libros electrónicos están disponibles!
Muchos estudiantes pueden acceder y leer los libros electrónicos al mismo tiempo usando una computadora o tableta electrónica en la escuela o desde la casa. Para acceder, vayan a
Haga click en “Jackson”
Haga click en “Catalog” (catálogo)
Para ver la lista de libros electrónicos solamente, favor de seleccionar “Electronic Books” en el menú “Material Type.”
Haga click en “Title” (título) y todos los títulos de nuestros libros electrónicos aparecen en una lista.
Haga click en “Open” (al lado del título del libro deseado) y empiece a leer.
Se pueden seleccionar libros según en nivel de su hijo (“Reading Level”) o interés (“Interest Level”).
Si hacen click en “Details” (detalles) pueden ver información del libro incluyendo premios, nivel de lectura, o tema.
El catálogo también les puede ayudar a encontrar libros tradicionales que tenemos en nuestra biblioteca: seleccione “Material Type” y después “Any Type.” Para libros específicos, pueden buscar por título, autor, tema, o palabra clave.
Class Visit & Borrowing
Each class visits the library every other week, and students who have turned in a signed permission slip are able to borrow books. In addition, the library is open for students to read quietly or check out books during morning recess, lunch and for a short period after school every day. It is sad and difficult for children who are not able to borrow books from the library so please help your child remember to turn in a permission slip, learn how to take good care of library books, and remind them to return their books to the library on time.