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After School Programs


Pasadena LEARNs is an after school and summer program offering engaging enrichment, leadership, and learning opportunities for K-12 students in the Pasadena Unified School District. Activities complement the school day and include homework help, leadership, visual and performing arts classes, structured recreation, academic enrichment activities, and literacy development. Field trips are a regular feature of PasadenaLEARNs' spring break and summer programs. 




Contact: (626) 744-7330

Pasadena Parks and Rec's After School Adventures Program provides affordable, flexible and convenient after school child care.

It's great to be a kid in the After School Program! 

Kids will:

  • Be supervised by well-trained and compassionate staff.
  • Experience exciting and fun activities including games, sports, and cooking projects.
  • Express themselves through art, music and drama.
  • Socialize and meet new friends.
  • Have homework assistance available.
  • Build their self confidence through positive play and socialization.
  • Learn the benefits of eating healthy and living an active lifestyle - snacks included.
  • Always feel safe and part of our After School Adventures Program family! 

**Parents will need to contact and make arrangements with the Pasadena Parks and Recreation Department to receive any accommodations for their child.