Description of Parent Groups (English/Spanish)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The Jackson PTA is an organization made up of parents, teachers, school staff, and local community members who work together to enrich the lives of our students. Jackson PTA sponsors many events, programs, and activities throughout the year in an effort to build a united community where our students may grow and thrive. The funds we raise from these events help fund our Teacher's Wish Lists, STEM activities, School Assemblies, School Resources, and so much more. PTA General Association meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of every month. For more information, please visit our website:
The Jackson Annual Fund raises money throughout the year to support initiatives that are not funded in the existing school budget. In previous years, we’ve supported programs such as our Music Program, Garden Program, Scientist in Residence, Field Trips, After-School Clubs, and classroom technology. The two biggest fundraisers during the year are Move-a-thon (Fall) and Fiesta, which includes a silent auction (Spring). The AF holds periodic meetings throughout the year. For more information, please visit our website:
School Site Council (SSC)
The SSC is a decision-making body of the school responsible for developing and recommending to the School Board a “School Plan for Student Achievement”. The SSC is required to consider recommendations from other school advisory committees such as ELAC on the needs of students and on ways those needs can be met. SSC members serve for a two-year period. Elections are held at the beginning of the school year to replace outgoing SSC members. Typically, the SSC meets once a month on the last Thursday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in the school library.
English Language Advisory Council (ELAC)
ELAC addresses issues specifically related to English Learners (ELs) and advises the principal, school staff, and the School Site Council (SSC) on programs and services for English Learners to assure they are being met. Items discussed at ELAC meetings are the Development of the School Plan regarding the English Learner program, development of the school’s needs assessment (Analysis of EL Data), ongoing discussions about the importance of regular school attendance, and much more. ELAC meets once a month, typically on the second Thursday of the month.
African-American Parent Council (AAPC)
The AAPC addresses issues related to African-American students. The AAPC advises the principal and provides family events to foster multicultural understanding in our community.